Hoa Vo Uu (Buddha Dharma Education Association)
Venerable Shravasti Dhammika
The Buddha’s Words of Wisdom
Now, Venerable Bhaddiya, son of the Kãligodhas, used to go to the forest, to the roots of trees and to lonely spots, and while there, would often utter the cry: “Oh joy! Oh joy!”
Now, a great number of monks heard him do this and they thought: “Doubtless, Venerable Bhaddiya is discontented with the holy life, seeing as he enjoyed the happiness of royalty when he was a householder.”
So those monks went to the Lord and told him of this, and he asked that Bhaddiya, is it true as they say that you go to the forest, to the roots of the trees and to lonely spots, and that while there you often utter the cry: “Oh joy! Oh joy!”
“It is true, sir.”
“And why do you do this?”
“Formerly, when I enjoyed the happiness of royalty, guards were set inside the palace and outside in the area and beyond. Yet, although I was well guarded, I lived in fear—anxious, trembling and afraid. But now that I live in the forest, alone, I am without fear, I am assured, confident, unafraid. That is why I utter the cry: “Oh joy! Oh joy!”