Hoa Vo Uu (Buddha Dharma Education Association)
Venerable Shravasti Dhammika
The Buddha’s Words of Wisdom
Once, while the Lord was staying near Kosambĩ in the Ghosita Park, Venerable Udãyin, surrounded by a great gathering of laymen, sat teaching the Damma.
Now, Ãnanda saw this, so he went to the Lord and told him, and the Lord said: “Truly Ãnanda, it is not easy to teach Dhamma to others. In teaching Dhamma to others, establish well five things, and then teach. What five?
Teach Dhamma to others thinking: “I will speak Dhamma in a gradual way; I will speak with the goal in mind; I will speak with kindliness; I will not speak as a means of gain; I will speak neither to my own harm, nor to the harm of others”. For truly, Ãnanda, it is not easy to teach Dhamma to others. So, in teaching Dhamma to others, establish well these five things.”