Hoa Vo Uu (Buddha Dharma Education Association)
Venerable Shravasti Dhammika
The Buddha’s Words of Wisdom
Potaliya the wanderer came to visit the Lord, greeted him courteously, and sat down at one side, and as he did, the Lord said to him: “Potaliya, there are these four persons found in the world. What four?
Concerning this, one criticizes that which deserves criticism at the right time, saying what is factual and true, but he does not praise that which deserves praise.
Again, one speaks in praise of the praiseworthy at the right time, saying what is factual and true, but does not criticize that which deserves criticism.
And again, one neither criticizes that which deserves criticism, nor praises the praiseworthy.
And finally, one criticizes that which deserves criticism and praises the praiseworthy, at the right time, saying what is factual and true.
Now, of these four persons. Which do you think is the most admirable and rare?”
“In my view, good Gotama, he who neither criticizes that which deserves criticism nor praises the praiseworthy is the most admirable and rare. And why? Because his indifference is admirable.”
“Well, I maintain that he who criticizes that which deserves criticism and praises the praiseworthy, at the right time, saying what is factual and true – he is the best. And why? Because his timing is admirable.”