Daily Reading ~ August 28

Hoa Vo Uu (Buddha Dharma Education Association)
Venerable Shravasti Dhammika

The Buddha’s Words of Wisdom

Bhãradvãja asked the Lord: “What, good Gotama, is of great help in the attainment of truth? We are asking about the thing that is of great help in the attaining of truth.”

“Striving, Bhãradvãja, is of great help in the attainment of truth, for if one did not strive one would not attain truth. But if one did strive one would attain truth.”

1. “But what is of great help to striving?”

“Weighing things up is of great help in the attainment of striving, for if one did not weigh things up one would not strive. But if one did weigh things up one would strive.”

2. “But what is of great help in weighing things up?”

“Making an effort is of great help in weighing thing up, for if one did not make an effort one would not weigh things up. But if one did make an effort on would weigh things up.”

3. “But what is of great help in making an effort?”

“Desire is of great help in making an effort, for if one did not desire one would not make an effort. But if one did desire one would make an effort.”

4. “But what is of great help in generating desire?”

“Approving of things is of great help in generating desire, for if one did not approve of things one would not generate desire. But when one approves of things one generates desire.”

5. “But what is of great help in approving of things?”

“Testing the meaning is of great help in approving of things, for if one did not test the meaning one would not approve of things. But if one did test the meaning one would approve of things.”

6. “But what is of great help in testing the meaning?”

“Remembering the Dhamma is of great help in testing the meaning, for if one did not remember the Dhamma one could not test the meaning. But if one did remember the Dhamma one could test the meaning.”

7. “But what is of great help in remembering the Dhamma?”

“Hearing the Dhamma is of great help in remembering the Dhamma, for if one did not hear the Dhamma one could not remember it. But if one did hear one could remember the Dhamma.”

8. “But what is of great help in hearing the Dhamma?”

“Lending an ear is of great help in hearing the Dhamma, for if one did not lend an ear one could not hear the Dhamma. But if one did lend an ear one could hear the Dhamma.”

9. “But what is of great help in lending an ear?”

“Drawing close is of great help in lending an ear, for if one did not draw close one could not lend an ear. But if one did draw close one could lend an ear.”

10. “But what is of great help in drawing close?”

“Visiting is of great help in drawing close, for if one did not visit one could not draw close. But if one did visit one could draw close.”

11. “Then, what is of great help in visiting?”

“Faith is of great help in visiting, for if one did not have faith one would not visit. But if one did have faith one would visit.”