Daily Reading ~ January 26

Hoa Vo Uu (Buddha Dharma Education Association)
Venerable Shravasti Dhammika

The Buddha’s Words of Wisdom

As regards the way in which the Lord has worked for the welfare of the many, for the happiness of the many, out of compassion for the world, for the welfare and happiness of both gods and men, we find no teacher like this whether we survey the past or the present, save only the Lord.

Beautifully taught is the Lord’s Dhamma, immediately apparent, timeless, of the nature of a personal invitation, progressive, to be attained by the wise, each for himself. We find none who could proclaim such a progressive teaching, whether we survey the past or the present, save only the Lord.

The Lord has clearly explained what is right and what is wrong, what is blameworthy and what is praiseworthy, what is to be followed and what is to be avoided, what is low and what is high, what is impure, what is pure and what is mixed. We find none who could so clearly explain such things, whether we survey the past or the present, save only the Lord.

The Lord has well taught to his disciples the Way leading to Nirvãna and they merge into each other, Nirvãna and the Way, just as the Ganges and Yamunã flow into each other and go on united. We find no teacher of the Way leading to Nirvãna, whether we survey the past or the present, save only the Lord.

The Lord has gained many compassion, both learners and those who have destroyed the defilements, and the Lord lives together with them, all of them rejoicing in unity. We find no teacher such as this, whether we survey the past or the present, save only the Lord.

Gifts given to the Lord result in great good, his reputation is well established so that nobles seek him out to give him gifts. But because of this, the Lord does not feel proud. We find no teacher who acts thus, whether we survey the past or the present, save only the Lord.

The Lord acts as he speaks, and he speaks as he acts. We find no teacher as consistent as this, whether we survey the past or the present, save only the Lord.

The Lord has crossed over doubt, transended all hesitation; in regard to the goal of the holy life, he has accomphished his aim. We find no teacher who has done this, whether we survey the past or the present, save only the Lord.