Daily Reading ~ January 4

Hoa Vo Uu (Buddha Dharma Education Association)
Venerable Shravasti Dhammika

The Buddha’s Words of Wisdom

For a disciple who has faith in the Teacher’s instruction and who lives in harmony with it, his idea is:“The Teacher is the Lord; I am the disciple. The Lord knows; I do not.”

For a disciple who has faith in the Teacher’s instruction and who lives in harmony with it, the Teacher’s instruction is furthering in growth, strength-giving. The idea is:“Gladly would I have my skin, bone and sinews wither and my flesh dry up, if only I can struggle until I win that which can be won by human effort.”

For a disciple who has faith in the Teacher’s instruction and who lives in harmony with it, one of two results are to be expected—profound knowledge here and now, or if there is any basis for rebirth remaining, the state of Non-Returning.