Hoa Vo Uu (Buddha Dharma Education Association)
Venerable Shravasti Dhammika
The Buddha’s Words of Wisdom
Vacchagotta said to the Lord: “I have heard it said that you, good Gotama, say that charity should only be given to you, not to others, to your followers, not to the followers of other teachers. Those who say this, are they representing your opinion without distorting it? Do they speak according to your teaching? For indeed, good Gotama, I am anxious not to mispresent you.”
The Lord said: “Vaccha, those who say this are not of my opinion, they misrepresent me by saying what is not true. Truly, whoever discourage another from giving charity hinders in three ways.
What three? He hindered the giver from acquiring good, he hinders the receiver form getting the charity, and he has already ruined himself through his meanness.”