Hoa Vo Uu (Buddha Dharma Education Association)
Venerable Shravasti Dhammika
The Buddha’s Words of Wisdom
By the stopping of logical and wandering thoughts, by gaining inner tranquility and one-pointedness of mind, one enters and abides in the second jhãna, which is without logical and wandering thoughts, and is filled with a joy and happiness born of concentration.
And with that joy and happiness born of concentration, one suffuses, drenches, fills and permeates the whole body so that there is no spot in the entire body that is untouched by that joy and happiness born of concentration.
Just as in a pool fed by a spring, with no inlets in any direction, where the rain god sends down light showers from time to time, the cool water welling up from a spring below would suffuse, fill and permeate that pool with cool water so that no part would remain untouched by it in the same way, one suffuses, drenches, fills and permeates the whole body so that no spot is untouched.